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IAG/AIG Newsletter No. 30 (2/2014)

Lettre d’information n° 30 (2/2014)
Association Internationale des Géomorphologues
p. 287-295


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The next Regional Conference in Geomorphology will be held from 2 to 4 July 2015 In Barnaul, Russia. It will be organized by IAG jointly with the Russian Association of Geomorphologists (RuAG) and will be hosted by the Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia. The chosen general theme of the conference is “Gradualism vs catastrophism in landscape evolution”. Several scientific sessions will be organised on Geomorphic processes (tectonic, igneous, surface, extraterrestrial), their magnitude-frequency relations and outcomes for shaping the landscape; Rock and climatic control in geomorphology; Cenozoic and Quaternary landscape evolution; Geomorphology and Man; Geomorphological techniques. From 24 to 30 June a pre-conference field trip will be organised in the Baikal region, and from 5 to 11 July a post-conference field trip will take the participants to the Russian Altai mountains. An intensive course for young geomorphologists (ICYG) will be integrated into the post-conference fieldtrip in the form of discussions and seminars on the issues presented during the fieldtrip.
You are all welcome in Russia for this Regional Conference!

Andrei Panin, IAG Executive Committee Member and RuAG Secretary

Words of the President

On the 2nd of May 2014, the IAG Executive Committee met in Vienna. I would like to thank all the Board Members for the quality of our discussions and the warm atmosphere knowing that their work is voluntary with the only objective the development of our discipline. The institutional consolidation of the IAG, the sustainability of our international network, the attribution of grants to the young geomorphologists and the promotion of the next international conference in Barnaul in Siberia at the foot of the Altai Mountains in July 2015 were the main themes of our discussions. This information and our website are also your letter. Do not hesitate to contact us! We are at your service.

Eric Fouache, IAG/AIG President

In memoriam – Albert Pissart (04.04.1930 – 11.06.2014)

Le Professeur Albert Pissart n'est plus parmi nous. Il va laisser un vide dans la communauté des géomorphologues et, en particulier, parmi ses collègues liégeois. Elève du professeur P. Macar, ses premières recherches, dans le cadre de son mémoire de licence en géographie (1952), traitaient des coulées pierreuses dans les vallées en bordure des Hautes Fagnes. Après son service militaire et quelques années passées dans l’enseignement secondaire (1954-1957), le Professeur Macar l’appela à l’Université de Liège (ULg) comme assistant. Dans ce cadre, il réalise sa recherche doctorale essentiellement sur les terrasses de la Meuse en Ardenne du sud-ouest (France et Belgique). Docteur en sciences en 1960, il est alors nommé chef de travaux, toujours à l’ULg, en 1961. Il continue à concentrer ses recherches sur les phénomènes périglaciaires, d’abord sur le plateau des Hautes Fagnes, puis au Pays de Galles et dans les hautes latitudes du Grand Nord canadien. Il étudie en outre le périglaciaire de montagne dans le Chambeyron. Non content d’analyser les formes et phénomènes actuels, il s’intéresse aussi aux traces périglaciaires fossiles témoins des phases froides du Quaternaire dans nos régions. En outre, voulant comprendre la nature profonde des processus périglaciaires, il va tenter de les reconstituer en laboratoire. C’est grâce à ces recherches extrêmement diversifiées qu’il a été rapidement, et est toujours actuellement, reconnu comme un des meilleurs spécialistes mondiaux du périglaciaire. En témoignent ses fonctions de président du comité de coordination des recherches périglaciaires de l’Union Géographique Internationale (UGI) de 1972 à 1980. Ses étudiants avaient même sympathiquement fondé un « permafrost fan club » ! Enfin, encore dans ces dernières semaines, il a rédigé un dernier ouvrage sur les viviers des Hautes Fagnes (2014), sorte de testament en somme, où il insiste à nouveau sur l’évolution de sa pensée au fil du temps, ayant fait des viviers d’abord des pingos, puis des palses, avant de convaincre la communauté des géomorphologues qu’il s’agissait en réalité de lithalses.

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C’est aussi en reconnaissance de ses qualités exceptionnelles de chercheur qu’il a reçu la plus haute distinction scientifique belge: il fut titulaire de la chaire Francqui au titre belge en 1987, à l’initiative de l’Université de Gand. Il rédigera ainsi Géomorphologie périglaciaire. Texte des leçons de la Chaire Francqui belge, ouvrage qui fait encore autorité aujourd’hui.

Il fut aussi un enseignant remarquable pour de nombreuses générations d'étudiants géo-graphes, géologues, ingénieurs-géologues et ingénieurs des mines. Il dispensa ainsi les cours de géomorphologie, de géologie du Quaternaire et inaugura en Belgique un cours de photo-interprétation dès 1965. Dans sa carrière universitaire, il a été nommé successivement chargé de cours associé (1967), professeur associé (1973) puis professeur ordinaire (1977), avant d’être admis à la retraite en 1995. Pendant près de vingt ans, il occupa la chaire de « Géomorphologie et géologie du Quaternaire » de l’ULg.

Défenseur de la géographie et plus particulièrement de la géomorphologie, il a été président de la Société géographique de Liège en 1973-74, en 1989-90 et en 2003-2004 et de la Société géologique de Belgique en 1967-69. Il fut aussi membre et secrétaire du Comité national de Géographie et président (1988-93) de l’Association des géomorphologues de Belgique (BAG), dont il fut un des membres fondateurs. Il a aussi été fort impliqué dans les activités de l’Association internationale des géomorphologues (AIG-IAG). Lors du congrès de Bologne en 1997, il a été élu à l’unanimité membre du Bureau de l’IAG (1997-2001) et, en 2005, il a reçu au cours du congrès de Saragosse le suprême honneur pour un géomorphologue : le « bâton » de « Honorary Fellow » de l’AIG, gravé à son nom en reconnaissance de l’ensemble de ses recherches en géomorphologie. Il était encore présent au dernier congrès de l’AIG à Paris en août 2013.

Sa renommée internationale et son éminence scientifique lui ont valu d’être élu membre correspondant en 1992, puis membre dès 2003 de l’Académie royale de Belgique, dont il fut Président et Directeur de la Classe des sciences en 2005.

Ses élèves, ses collègues, ses confrères garderont de lui le souvenir d’un très grand scientifique, intègre, dévoué à la géographie, mais aussi d’une grande amabilité, toujours à l’écoute de l'autre.

Au revoir, Monsieur Pissart.

André Ozer, Université de Liège, Belgique

En souvenir d’Albert Pissart

C’est avec beaucoup de tristesse que la communauté de l’Association internationale des géomorphologues (AIG) et moi-même avons appris que notre collègue et ami Albert nous a laissés. Mes souvenir personnels remontent aux années 1970, dans le cadre de l’Union Géographique Internationale, en matière de Géomorphologie et Géologie du Quaternaire, dans le cadre de la collaboration entre les Universités de Liège et de Strasbourg, notamment entre les équipes des professeurs Macar et Tricart. Par la suite, nous avons partagé l’activité de l’Association internationale des géomorphologues et en particulier pendant ma vice-présidence et ma présidence, respectivement de 1997 à 2001 et de 2001 à 2005, quand j’ai eu la chance et l’honneur de compter sur sa collaboration comme Membre du comité exécutif de l’Association. J’aimerais souligner, entre autres, son apport fondamental dans la rédaction de la révision de la Constitution de l’AIG.

Comme André Ozer l’a souligné, j’ai eu l’honneur de lui conférer le titre de « Membre honoraire » de l’AIG au cours de la Conférence internationale de Saragosse (2005). Je l’ai rencontré pour la dernière fois à la Conférece internationale de Paris l’année dernière au cours des travaux des sessions scientifiques et durant le dîner officiel des anciens présidents et des membres honoraires de l’AIG.

Le Professeur Ozer a souligné de manière détaillée son intense et brillante carrière de chercheur et de professeur. Je voudrais rappeler notre amitié réciproque et notre estime mutuelle, en soulignant son amabilité, sa sérénité, son style de sobriété et d’humaine disponibilité.

Que la terre te soit légère, Albert et arrivederci.

Mario Panizza, Ancien président de l’Association internationale des géomorphologues

IAG Regional Conference 2015, Gradualism vs catastrophism in landscape evolution, 2-4 July, Barnaul, Russia

The IAG Regional Conference 2015 will be organized by IAG jointly with the Russian Association of Geomorphologists (RuAG) and will be hosted by the Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.

Local Organizing Committee

Conference President

Sergei ZEMLIUKOV, DSc., prof., Rector of the Altai State University (ASU)

Organizing Committee Chairman

Gennady BARYSHNIKOV, DSc., prof., Dean of the Geography Faculty ASU

Organizing Committee Vice-Chairmen

  • Alexei BONDARENKO, DSc., prof., Dean of the Geography Faculty, the Gorno-Altaisk State University

  • Yuri VINOKUROV, DSc., prof., Director of the Water and Ecological Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

  • Andrei PANIN, PhD, prof., Geography Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Technical Secretaries

  • Tatyana ANTIUFEEVA, PhD, Geography Faculty ASU

  • Elena SHEREMETSKAYA, Geography Faculty MSU

  • Ekaterina MATLAKHOVA, Geography Faculty MSU (in charge of the Young geomorphologists activity)

Organizing Committee Members

  • Pavel BORODAVKO, PhD, laboratory head at the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMCES SB RAS), Tomsk

  • Andrei BREDIKHIN, DSc., prof., vice-dean and Geomorphology Department head at the Geography Faculty MSU, Moscow

  • Nina EVSEEVA, DSc., prof., Physical Geography Department head at the Geography-Geology Faculty, Tomsk State University

  • Valery ZEMTSOV, DSc., prof., Hydrology Department head at the Geography-Geology Faculty, Tomsk State University

  • Valery IMAEV, DSc., prof., Earth Crust Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk

  • Boris LUZGIN, DSc., prof., laboratory head at the Geography Faculty ASU, Barnaul

  • Alexei MALOLETKO, DSc., prof., Geography-Geology Faculty, Tomsk State University

  • Alexander MARININ, PhD, prof., Geography Faculty of the Gorno-Altaisk State University

  • Peter OKISHEV, DSc., prof., Tourism Department head at the Geography-Geology Faculty, Tomsk State University

  • Alexander POZDNYAKOV, DSc., prof., IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk

  • Roman CHALOV, DSc., prof., Channel Processes Laboratory head at the Geography Faculty MSU, Moscow

  • Vitaly CHEKHA, DSc., prof., Physical Geography Department head at the Krasnoyarsk State University

  • Valery CHICHAGOV, DSc., Institute of Geography RAS, Moscow

International Scientific Committee

  • ALCÁNTARA-AYALA, Irasema (Mexico) – Institute of Geography at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), IAG Vice-President

  • BAKER, Victor (USA) – Arizona University

  • BARYSHNIKOV, Gennady (Russia) – Altai State University

  • BENITO, Gerardo (Spain) – Spanish National Research Council, Chairman of the INQUA Commission on Global Continental Palaeohydrology (GLOCOPH) and TERPRO Hydrological Change and Climate Focus Area

  • BORODAVKO, Pavel (Russia) – Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk State University

  • BRIDGLAND, David (Great Britain) – Durham University, Chairman of the Fluvial Archives Group at the Quaternary Research Association (QRA FLAG)

  • CARLING, Paul (Great Britain) – Southampton University

  • CHISTYAKOV, Kirill (Russia) – Sankt-Petersburg University, Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society

  • CORDIER, Stéphane (France) – University of Paris Est, Secretary of the Fluvial Archives Group (QRA FLAG)

  • FOUACHE, Eric (France) – University Paris Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, President of the International Association of Geomorphologists

  • HERGET, Juergen (Germany) – Bonn University

  • KUMAR DE, Sunil (India) – North Eastern Hill University, Secretary General of the International Association of Geomorphologists

  • LANG, Andreas (Great Britain) – Liverpool University, President of the Geomorphology Division at the European Geoscience Union (GM EGU)

  • LEROY, Suzanne (Great Britain) – Brunel University, Chairman of the INQUA TERPRO Hazards and Humans Focus Area

  • LIN, Jiun-Chuan (Taiwan) – National University of Taiwan, Head of the Commission C12.41 "Geomorphology and Society" at the International Geographical Union

  • PANIN, Andrei (Russia) – Lomonosov Moscow State University, secretary of the Russian Association of Geomorphologists (RuAG)

  • SOLDATI, Mauro (Italy) – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, IAG Vice-President

  • STARKEL, Leszek (Poland) – Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences

  • YANG, Xiaoping (China) – Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, IAG Vice-President

Conference Topics

  • Geomorphic processes (tectonic, igneous, surface, extraterrestrial), their magnitude-frequency relations and outcomes for shaping the landscape

  • Rock and climatic control in geomorphology

  • Cenozoic and Quaternary landscape evolution

  • Geomorphology and man

  • Geomorphological techniques

By the moment the following sessions have been announced:

  • Cataclysmic fluvial events on Earth: recent progress (jointly by IAG Working Group of Extreme Events, INQUA TERPRO Commission, GLOCOPH). Conveners: G. Benito, S. Etienne, S. Leroy, A. Panin.

  • Geomorphological Hazards (IAG Working Group of Geomorphological Hazards). Conveners: S. Kumar De, I. Alcántara-Ayala.

  • Gradualism and catastrophism in Tectonic Geomorphology. Conveners: M. Fort, P. Fredi, J.M.A. Hernandez.

  • Gradual processes and extreme events in geodiversity and geoheritage. Conveners: P. Coratza, M. Giardino, F. Hobléa, N. Kocheeva, Z. Zwolinski.

Call for sessions is open till February 1, 2015.

Location and transportation

City of Barnaul is the administrative centre of the Altai Krai – one the Regions of the Russian Federation located in South-Western Siberia, time zone UTC+6:00. Barnaul is easily accessible by plane from Moscow and by bus from the international hub of Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk), which has direct connection with a number of airports over Europe and Asia (Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Beijing, etc.).

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  • June 24-30 Pre-conference field trip “Tectonic geomorphology, seismogeology, geoarchaeology of the Baikal region”. Starts in Irkutsk, 7 days, preliminary cost 800 Euros. Detailed schedule coming soon (see IAG website).

  • July 02-04: IAG Regional Conference at the Altai State University

  • July 01: Participants' arrival at Barnaul, hotel accommodation

  • July 02: Conference opening and plenary session at the Altai State University

  • July 03-04 Sessions at the Altai State University

  • July 05-11: Post-conference field trip “Russian Altai in the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene: Geomorphological catastrophes and landscape rebound”. Starts in Barnaul, 7 days, preliminary cost 800 Euros.


  • July 05: Bus transfer from Barnaul to the Teletskoye Lake, accommodation at the Yurtok camp:

  • July 06: Cruise over the Teletskoye Lake with visiting the Korbu waterfall:; visiting geological sections of the Late Pleistocene alluvial/mudflow deposits at the Biya River.

  • July 07: Bus transfer to the Katun' River, Chemal geological section, accommodation in the Manzherok touristic centre:

  • July 08: Transfer upstream the Katun' River with the stop at Jaloman and Inya exposures, then upstream the Chuya River, hotel accommodation in the Aktash town.

  • July 09: Excursion over the Kurai Basin (giant ripples, palaeolake strandlines), hotel accommodation in Aktash.

  • July 10: Excursion to the Chuya Basin (ice-dammed lake deposits, the Beltyr seismogenic landslide), hotel accommodation in Aktash.

  • July 11: Bus transfer to Barnaul. Hotel accommodation in Barnaul (arranged by participants themselves).

  • July 12: Participants' departure from Barnaul by morning flights.

Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists

An intensive course for young geomorphologists (ICYG) will be integrated into the post-conference fieldtrip in the form of discussions and seminars on the issues presented during the fieldtrip. ICYG teachers: Pavel BORODAVKO (Tomsk State University, Russia), Paul CARLING (Southampton University, Great Britain), Juergen HERGET (Bonn University, Germany). IAG grants will be offered to Young Geomorphologists from less favoured countries of Asia and Europe who will take part in the Conference and Post-conference field trip (including Intensive Course). Call for Grants is expected in January 2015.

Pre-conference field trip location map.

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Geomorphic features of NE Altai (post-conference field trip).

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A – giant boulder ripples in the Kurai basin, B – the Beltyr seismogenic landslide.

Conference Costs

  • Registration fee – 200 Euros (emeritus, students, accompanying persons – 100 Euros); includes abstracts, conference material, coffee and lunch during the conference.

  • Pre-conference field trip – 800 Euros (preliminary); includes fieldtrip guide, bus transportation, meals and accommodation during the fieldtrip.

  • Post-conference field trip – 800 Euros (preliminary); includes fieldtrip guide, bus transportation, meals and accommodation during the fieldtrip.


  • February 1, 2015: Applications for sessions due

  • February 1, 2015: Registration forms and abstracts due

  • March 1, 2015: Authors and session conveners notification

  • March 31, 2015: Registration fee payment

  • March 31, 2015: Conference field trips payment

Call for sessions is open till February 1, 2015


IAG website:

Conference website:


Andrei Panin, RuAG Secretary

Gennady Baryshnikov, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Regional Conference 2015

Young Geomorphologists

Call for IAG Grants for the International Workshop “Geomorphosites, lever of local socio-economic development. From European experiences to Maghrebian and African projects and related Intensive Course, Beni Mellal, Morocco, 1-3 October 2014

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) offers 1 grant of 500 Euros to a Young Geomorphologist from a Northern African or Sub-saharian country (except Morocco) who is willing to take part in the Workshop on Geomorphosites to be hosted by the University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal (Morocco) on 2-3 October 2014, and the related Intensive Course organised by IAG/AIG Working Group on Geomorphosites on 1st October 2014. Information: Priority will be given to applicants who have a special interest in the field of geomorphosites, to be proved by their CV.

Candidates for GRANTS are requested to submit the following documents before 20 August 2014:

  • Application form (see below)

  • One page CV, including up to 5 papers preferably related to the themes of the Workshop

  • Abstract submitted (or to be submitted*) to the Workshop

* Applicants who have not submitted an abstract by the due deadline (30 April 2014) are anyhow entitled to send one when applying for the IAG grant. The IAG-grant winners who have not submitted the abstract by 30 April will have anyhow the chance to present their contribution at the Workshop.

The application form is available on the IAG website:

Documents should be submitted via e-mail to Mauro Soldati The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG/AIG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG/AIG Grants, feel free to contact the undersigned.

Call for IAG Grants for the International Conference on Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards, Padua, Italy, 18-19 November 2014

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) offers 2 grants of 250 Euros each to PhD students in Geomorphology from Europe (except Italy) who are willing to take part in the Conference on Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards, to be held in Padua, Italy, on 18-19 November 2014 (Info: Priority will be given to applicants who have a special interest in the field of geomorphological hazards and risks, to be proved by their CV.

Candidates for GRANTS are requested to submit the following documents before 31 August 2014:

  • Application form (see below)

  • One page CV, including up to 5 papers preferably related to the Conference themes

  • Title and brief summary of PhD research project

  • Abstract submitted (or to be submitted*) to the Conference.

* Deadline: 15 September 2014

The application form is available on the IAG website:

Documents should be submitted via e-mail to the IAG Executive Committee Member Marta Della Seta The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG/AIG Grants, feel free to contact the undersigned.

Mauro Soldati, IAG/AIG Vice-President and Training Officer

Working Groups

Landform Assessment for Geodiversity

The first meeting of the WG was held in Vienna at the EGU General Assembly, with a successful session on “Landforms and Geodiversity”. A new session on this topic will be proposed at the EGU General Assembly 2015 (April 12-17, 2015). An International Summer Workshop “Geodiversity and Geoheritage” was held in Terras de Cavaleiros (Portugal) on June 26-28, 2014 ( and two events will be organised by the WG in Italy: 1) an IAG/AIG Intensive Course on “Geodiversity and geoheritage: evaluation and interpretation”, 9-13 September 2014, Bard, Italian Western Alps, Italy (deadline: 7 September 2014; website:; 2) a Session “Geoheritage, Geosites, Geoparks: contributions of the Engineering Geology in the management of natural and cultural landscape”, IAEG XII Congress, 15-19 September 2014, Torino, Italy ( Both events are organised in collaboration with the IAG Working Group on Geomorphosites.

Tectonic Geomorphology

The Session “Intermontane basins: key sites for multidisciplinary approaches to decrypt tectonically active landscapes”, organized by the IAG Working Group “Tectonic Geomorphology”, was successfully held during the EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014. Many distinguished researchers interested in the topic followed both the Oral and the Poster sessions. On this occasion the WG members attending the event met to discuss on the WG organization and its future initiatives. Prof. Monique Fort, President of the Groupe Français de Géomorphologie and Emeritus of the University Paris7 (, was nominated co-chair of the WG. Prof. José Vicente Pérez Peña, Professor of Geology, Universidad de Granada ( was nominated Secretary. The WG will organize a specific session during the upcoming IAG Regional Conference 2015. A workshop, specifically addressed to the young generation of researchers, will be organized in Spain in 2016.


The SEDIBUD working group is organising its 8th Workshop on “Sediment Cascades in Cold Sediment Geosystems” at the Zugspitze, Bavaria, Germany, from the 1st to the 4th September 2014. More information:

Geomorphological Hazards

A session of the WG will be held during the “International Conference on Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards”, Padua, Italy, 18-19 November 2014 (website: The conference provides an opportunity to discuss multi-hazard risks and multi-disciplinary research results on the effects of changing of hydro-meteorological risks and their effects on planning strategies. The conference focus 1) on natural hazard process understanding and innovative methodologies for quantitative hazard and risk forecasts, and 2) on the integration of engineering, socio-economic and human sciences in risk management and prevention planning in practice. The conference represents the culmination of the EC projects CHANGES ( and IncREO ( and will provide a forum for exchange of ideas related to effective risk management strategies. A session of the IAG WG on Geomorphological Hazards will be held during the Conference. 2 grants for PhD students from Europe with special interest in geomorphological hazards and risks are offered by the IAG/AIG (See the Young Geomorphologists section in this Newsletter).

Red beds and Danxia Geomorphology

The Red beds and Danxia Geomorphology Working Group focuses on the global survey of Danxia landforms. A Joint Scientific Research Project between China and Slovakia, called “Landslide hazard and risk assessment for UNESCO World Heritage Site, Danxia, China” was launched in 2013 (see a report on the IAG website:


The Geoarchaeology working group is very active and proposes several symposia and workshops in 2014, in particular an Archeological Science Summer School in Spain in July 2014, two workshops in Lake level changes and lake settlements in Turkey and Russia, in September and November 2014, and a Landscape Archaeology Workshop in Berlin in November 2014. More information on


The Geomorphosites working group organises three events in 2014: 1) an IAG/AIG Intensive Course on “Geodiversity and geoheritage: evaluation and interpretation”, 9-13 September 2014, Bard, Italian Western Alps, Italy (deadline: 7 September 2014; website:, in collaboration with the Working Group on Landform Assessment for Geodiversity; 2) a Session “Geoheritage, Geosites, Geoparks: contributions of the Engineering Geology in the management of natural and cultural landscape”, IAEG XII Congress, 15-19 September 2014, Torino, Italy (, also organised in collaboration with the Working Group on Landform Assessment for Geodiversity; 3) an intensive course on Geomorphosites on Wednesday 1st October 2014 in Beni Mellal (Morocco). The course is followed by an international workshop organised by the Universities of Beni Mellal and Lausanne, in collaboration with the Moroccan Association of Geomorphology and Geopark M’Goun. Website: A Call for a grant for Young Geomorphologists is available for this workshop (See the Young Geomorphologists section in this Newsletter).

Geomorphological News from CADIC, Ushuaia (Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina), the southernmost Research Center in the World with permanent staff

Geomorphology at CADIC

CADIC (Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas) is the southernmost multidisciplinary research center in the World with permanent staff (presently with a total of 140), belonging to CONICET, the Argentine Council for Research and Technology.

Geomorphology has been one of the major research fields of CADIC, based upon the work of the Laboratory of Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies (LGQS), since 1986. With 8 full-time researchers and presently 10 doctoral students and postdoc fellows, it is one of the largest groups in the field of Geomorphology throughout Argentina. The main fields of interest are Glacial, Fluvial, Eolian, Coastal, Marine and Periglacial Geomorphology (including peat-lands), Mass-movement and Earthquake triggered processes, and Long-term Landscape Evolution.

The LGQS, along its existence of 28 years, has published over 200 papers, edited over 25 books, sponsored 7 international field meetings, developed 5 intensive field courses and funded over 20 doctoral dissertations. Our colleagues from all over the world who may be interested in our work can write to or visit the website

Brazilian Fieldcourse, November 2013

In November 2013, a one-week Field Course on “Glaciers and Glacial Sediments and Landforms” was organized by CADIC and held in Tierra del Fuego, dedicated to Brazilian colleagues interested in Glacial Geology and Geomorphology. 18 Brazilian professors and graduate students from major universities of Brazil attended the course. Topics of mountain and lowland glaciated landscapes were actively discussed in the field.

Although there are no glaciers today in Brazilian territory, our Brazilian colleagues are very interested in these fields because the Late Paleozoic Gondwana glaciations were very extensive and long-lived in Brazil, and their deposits and landforms are ubiquitous in most of their sedimentary basins. Moreover, Brazil has a very active Antarctic program where the experience provided by this course might be useful.

A second edition of this field-course has been scheduled for 2015. Similar field-courses dedicated to other foreign scientific groups may be organized upon request. Write to us at

Argentine Congress on Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies, April 2015

The Argentine Association of Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies (AAGC) will held its forthcoming 6th Congress at CADIC, Ushuaia, in April 8-12, 2015. Special sessions, symposia, invited lectures and posters will be organized. Two intra-congress field trips, to the Tierra del Fuego National Park and the Martial Glacier, will be offered. In addition, a 3-day, post-congress field excursion will take place to discuss the Quaternary Geomorphology of the island of Tierra del Fuego, from the Beagle Channel to the Straits of Magellan. The Congress is sponsored by IAG and INQUA-TERPRO. More information: or website (in Spanish):

Geomorphological Symposium in the Argentine Geological Congress, Córdoba, Argentina, June 2014

The Argentine Geological Congress, the most important event in the Earth Sciences of Argentina is held every three years. This time, it was held at the University of Córdoba (the oldest University of Argentina, founded in 1613), in June 2014. With a general attendance of over 1,200 people, one of the symposia was fully dedicated to Geomorphology and coordinated by Claudio Carignano, Susana Degiovanni, Daniela Kröhling and Marcela Cioccale. The Geomorphology symposium was attended by over 100 scientists and graduate students and more that 40 papers and posters were presented. One of the sessions was dedicated to Gondwana Landscapes (Long-term Landscape Evolution) and the book edited by Jorge Rabassa and Cliff Ollier, “Gondwana Landscapes in southern South America: Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil” (Springer, 2014) was presented by Jorge Rabassa and several of the authors of the various chapters of it. Discussions were oriented to the need of re-evaluation of the Geomorphology of cratonic areas and passive margins of South America from a Gondwanic point of view, instead of the dominant Andean paradigm.

Geomorphology in the Springer Monographs on the Earth System Sciences

Jorge Rabassa ( is one of the editors for the South America and Southern Hemisphere series of the SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences ( Starting in 2012, a dozen books have been published so far, and several others are presently under production. Some of the published titles are directly related to Geomorphology. All geomorphologists active in South America and the Southern Hemisphere are kindly invited to present their proposals of new books to Jorge Rabassa. Moreover, the series is open to all fields of the Earth Sciences, including Paleontology. The series is very active, proposals may be sent throughout the year, the deadline for manuscript submission is chosen by the main author of the book, production is completed between 6-8 weeks of the reception of the definitive manuscript, the English text is thoroughly revised by the Publisher and a distribution of over 7,500 volumes is presently expected.

More information at: or write to

Jorge Rabassa, Laboratorio de Geomorfología y Estudios del Cuaternario, Ushuaia, Argentina

Upcoming Events

Note: This calendar proposes a list of events organised by IAG, IAG working groups, and large international conferences concerning geomorphology. It is based on information transmitted by IAG members. For more information see also the IAG website:


IGU (International Geographical Union) Regional Conference. Kraków, Poland, 8–22 August 2014. Website:


International Workshop “Implications of Late Quaternary Sea Level Changes on the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea Coasts”. Şile, Turkey, 31 August – 6 September 2014. Website:


8th IAG SEDIBUD Workshop “Sediment Cascades in Cold Sediment Geosystems”. Zugspitze, Bavaria, Germany, 1–4 September 2014. Website:

United Kingdom

Annual Conference of the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG). Manchester, UK, 1–3 September 2014. Website:


3rd Slope Tectonics Conference. Oslo, Norway, 8–12 September 2014. Website:


13th Meeting of the Spanish Society of Geomorphology “Geomorphology to be applied”. Cáceres, Spain, 9–12 September 2014. Website:


International Conference “Living in Harmony with Volcano: Bridging the will of nature to society”. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 9–13 September 2014. Website:

United States

44th Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium on “Planetary Geomorphology”. Knoxville, United States, 12–14 September 2014. Website:


IAEG 17th Congress “Engineering Geology for Society and Territory”. Torino, Italy, 15–19 September 2014. Website:


AGU Chapman Conference “Catchment spatial organization and complex behaviour”. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, 23–26 September 2014. Website:


International Workshop “Geomorphosites, lever of local socio-economic development: From European experiences to Maghrebian and African projects”. Beni Mellal, Morocco, 2–3 October 2014. Website:


GSA 2014, Geological Society of America Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 19–22 October 2014. Website:

United Arab Emirates

Geomorphology of UAE and Northern Oman Symposium, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2–3 November 2014. Information:


Workshop “Late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic variability in the Carpathian-Balkan region”, Cluj-Naponica, Romania, 6–9 November 2014. Deadline for abstract submission: 1st September 2014. Website:


International Conference “Archaeology of lake settlements IV-II millennia B.C.: Chronology of cultures and natural environmental rhythms”, 13–15 November 2014, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Deadline for abstract submission is 1st October 2014 to Andrey Mazurkevich:, with copy to Vladimir Lozovski: Information: Andrei Panin (RuAG secretary):


International Conference “Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards”. Padova, Italy, 18–19 November 2014. Deadline for abstract submission: 15 September 2014. Website:


Landscape Archaeology Workshop – From Theory to Practice. Berlin, Germany, 19–21 November 2014. Deadline for abstract submission: 10 September 2014. Website:


International Workshop “Georisk 2014. Improving geophysical risk assessment, forecasting, and management”. Madrid, Spain, 18–21 November 2014. Deadline for abstract submission: 15 September 2014. Website:

United States

International Symposium “Sediment Dynamics: From the Summit to the Sea”. New Orleans, United States, 11–24 December 2014. Website:

United States

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, United States, 15–19 December 2014. Website:

United Arab Emirates

Conference “Karstology in Arid Regions”, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 20-24 January 2015. Deadline for abstract submission: 30 October 2014. Email:


Geomorphometry 2015 “Geomorphometry for natural hazards geomodeling”, Poznan, Poland, 22–26 June 2015. Deadline for abstract submission: 1st November 2014. Website:

The Netherlands

Water History Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, 24–26 June 2015. Deadline for abstract submission: 15 November 2014. Website:

Editor’s Note

The success of the IAG/AIG Newsletter depends upon the contributions that we receive. On behalf of IAG/AIG we would ask you to assist us by supplying information related to the forthcoming activities and innovations in geomorphology in your respective countries (commentaries, reviews of regional or national meetings and field trips, summaries of issues pertinent to geomorphology and announcements of future meetings and workshops). Your contributions should be forwarded to the IAG/AIG Publications Officer.

Published by Emmanuel Reynard, IAG/AIG Publications Officer

University of Lausanne, Institute of Geography and Sustainability, Géopolis, CH – 1015 Lausanne. Tel +41 21 692 30 65, Mobile +41 79 331 72 44. E-mail:

Deadline for the next issue: 1st September 2014.

International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG)


Eric Fouache
Vice Chancelier, University Paris Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, PO Box : 38044, Abu Dhabi UAE

Mobile : + 971 (0) 50 26 32 323. Email :


Irasema Alcántara Ayala
Investigadora Titular B, Riesgo de Desastres, Instituto de Geografía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Vox: (+5255) 5622 4335 / 5623 0222 ext. 45466. E-mail:

Mauro Soldati
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Largo S. Eufemia, 19 41121 MODENA, Italy. Tel.: +39-059-205 5842, Fax: +39-059-205 5887. E-mail:

Xiaoping YANG
Institute of Geology and Geophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 9825
Beijing 100029, China. Phone 86 (0)10 – 82998387,
Fax: 86 (0)10 – 62010846. E-mail:

Secretary General

Sunil Kumar DE
Department of Geography, North Eastern Hill University, NEHU Campus, Shillong - 793022, Meghalaya, India. Phone: (off) +91 364 272 3216, (mobile): +91 9862009202. E-mail:

IAG/AIG Account Number: 068-2376668-01 - DEXIA Banque, Av. Centenaire, 42 - B-4102 Ougrée, Belgium. Account IBAN: BE 43-0682-3766-6801

Visit the IAG/AIG Website at:

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